The ask
Promote the new Chrysler Pacifica minivan to “SUV people” with a continuation of the Minivan for Moms campaign, featuring actress Kathryn Hahn.

Creative insight
People are not born minivan people. They become minivan people. Most often after renting one for a vacation and realizing the God’s-honest truth: minivans are incredible.

Campaign idea
Get into it

Activating the idea
Show how minivan people become minivan people. And how once they’ve converted, they really get into it.

What, you think people are born minivan people? People are not born minivan people. They’re not born wanting a practical life. Or hoping they’ll be patronized mercilessly, told they’re void of sexiness or spontaneity or style. No. They become minivan people.

Why? Because they give up? Give in? Get tired?
Yes, actually. That’s exactly why.
They get tired.

Tired of telling themselves that their third-row-SUVs are “actually surprisingly roomy.” Or reassuring their kids that “the dog loves riding out back,” or that they “don’t mind squeezing car seats into back seats.” They get tired of the pulling. And the pushing. And the shoving. And the poking.

So slowly, over time, they weaken.

It’s subtle to start. Dad suggests they “just try one” during a family vacation. You know, because of all that luggage.

But little do they know, that one rental? That’s the beginning of the end of SUV-life.

What they also don’t know, though, is they won’t miss it.

Because as time goes on, they’re pleasantly surprised to find owning a minivan is not, in fact, the end of spontaneity. Or style. Or sexiness.

It’s just the end of insanity.

It’s okay to get tired.
It’s okay to give in.
And it’s okay to get into the all-new Chrysler Pacifica.

Creative approach
In a continuation of the current campaign, actress Kathryn Hahn narrates a family’s transformation from hardcore-SUV people to minivan people, documenting the ridiculous compromises SUV-people put up with simply to avoid buying a minivan.

60-sec Broadcast/OLV: “The Rental”
[Quick, tight cuts of kids inside the family SUV pushing, whining, pulling, poking, shoving each other.]

Husband: [To his wife as she’s driving] We are not doing this on our vacation.
Wife: [Staring straight ahead] Don’t say it.
Husband: [Salty] It’s a 14 hour drive.
Wife: [Staring straight ahead, shaking her head “no.”]
Husband: We would just be renting it. We wouldn’t have to buy it.
Wife: [Shoots daggers at him]
Husband: [Quietly, out the window] You know I’m right.
Wife: [Stares ahead and takes a deep, annoyed breath in and out as kids continue to provoke each other].

Kathryn Hahn: [Narrating] This is it. The beginning of the end of SUV-life. It was a good run: Heroically folding and unfolding seats. [Wife labors to unfold seats and let kids climb in the back.] Ignoring their obvious discomfort. [Big kids sitting out back in the 3rd row of the SUV, knees up to their chins.] Or pretending you’re okay with the dog—your first born—being reduced to this. [Back hatch door of the SUV closes on a sad looking pup. Kathryn mockingly mimics the husband] “We wouldn’t have to buy it!” [Chuckles patronizingly.]

[Cut to everyone enjoying a delightful, quiet, shove-free ride in their new Chrysler Pacifica.]

Listen. We are not born minivan people, okay? We become minivan people. Because we get tired of trying so damn hard not to be. And because over here on the dark side? It’s heaven.

[GFX] Chrysler Pacifica logo
Get into it.

Art Direction
Lighthearted and slightly satirical shots of family life before and after purchasing a minivan. Photography shown is not original; it’s used as mood board imagery, only.