Portrait of Michaela Kellogg



“Don’t do it,” they may say.
Spec work is pretty contentious in the creative industry. And I get it. It’s a lot of time, energy and money to dedicate to maybe getting hired for a project. But generally speaking, it’s fun to dream about the brands you’d love to work with and imagine what it might be like if you did. If you want to get the work, you’ve got to do the work, no?

“What a waste of time,” they may say.
For some, this might be true. But doing what you love, even if it goes nowhere and is seen by no one, I argue, is still a noble way to spend one’s time. Because it’s all practice. I’ve been writing a children’s book for four years. It’s only 360 words. I’ve rewritten it hundreds of times. It’s agonizing. But it’s all practice.

“You’re not that good,” they may say.
This one might also be true. There are many talented people out there who produce thoughtful, disruptive, and beautiful work all on their own. I am not one of them. Some of these ideas might be sparks that lead to something greater if activated by the right team. Others might just truly be garbage. But remember, it’s practice.

And as I’ve always said, self-consciousness is the enemy of all art, be it acting, writing, painting, or living itself, which is the greatest art of all.*

So here we go.

*It’s possible Ray Bradbury said this, actually.

“Art is seldom the result of genius. rather, it is the product of hard work tenaciously practiced by regular people.” — Sally Mann

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